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How to Increase Libido While on Birth Control

One of the greatest examples of irony is how most birth controls cause your libido to plummet. So many women find themselves no longer interested in sex when making the decision to get on birth control. 

Or, maybe you still feel the desire, yet your body isn’t working how it’s supposed to, and sex becomes painful or unenjoyable. Either way, it’s a frustrating situation that leaves you wondering if it’s even worth being on birth control in the first place.

Don’t stress - we’re here to show you how to increase libido while on birth control. Oftentimes it’s as simple as discussing changes with your doctor - like a different form of birth control or perhaps a different dosage.

We’ll share other techniques that are proven to work such as lifestyle changes, supplements, improving physical intimacy with your partner, and more. 

One of the best ways to increase libido on birth control is Tabs sex chocolate. It’s packed with potent aphrodisiacs that will have you and your partner unable to keep your hands to yourselves. Consider trying sex chocolate risk-free today!

The Basics Behind Libido

First, we should define libido and talk about why it’s such an important aspect of human health. Simply put, this is your sex drive. As you might be realizing, sexual desire is influenced by way more than just physical attraction. Hormones, emotions, and overall health play a role, too.

Libido fluctuations are perfectly normal - as stress, diet, and even how much sleep you got last night can impact libido. But, hormones like testosterone, estrogen, and progesterone are even bigger components of keeping your sex drive in check.

When these hormones are all in check, you probably don’t even think about libido. Everything runs smoothly as it’s intended. But, this changes once your hormones fall out of whack. Hormone changes could be the result of stress, aging, or in this case, medications.

It’s worth noting that libido is also tied to your mental state. How connected you feel to your partner impacts your libido as well, as does your confidence and emotional balance. 

Why Does Birth Control Lower Libido?

Now, why does birth control lower libido? This is unfortunately a fairly common occurrence for women. The irony is you’re having more sex so you decide to protect yourself, but then, your libido plummets and you become disinterested or physically unable to have enjoyable sex.

This goes back to the link between libido and hormones. Most birth control - be it the pill, patch, or ring - is hormonal and works to prevent ovulation. 

It contains synthetic forms of estrogen and progestin to do this. In turn, it can reduce testosterone production, which is a key hormone for sex drive.  

This can lead to changes in mood, energy levels, and vaginal dryness, all of which can affect your interest in sex. The result? Women feel as if that natural spark has disappeared. 

But the good news is it’s easier to get back than you think. Let’s get into how to increase libido while on birth control below.

How to Increase Libido While on Birth Control

Don’t let birth control take a toll on your libido and get in the way of living your life to the fullest or have a negative impact on your relationship. Here’s how to increase libido on birth control.

Start By Talking About the Problem With Your Doctor

First, have a conversation with your doctor about the specific issues you’re dealing with. Trust us, you’re not the first girl to feel her libido shrink after starting hormonal birth control. Your doctor has had the same conversation with plenty of other women.

They’ll be able to help you determine if it’s actually the medication causing the issue or if it’s something else, like stress or some other health concern. After ruling out anything else they’ll be able to discuss alternative options with you.

This could be trying a different type of birth control, or perhaps lowering your dose. So, what birth control does not affect libido, if any?

Switching to a non-hormonal birth control method, such as the copper IUD (ParaGard), may help. These don’t impact your body’s natural hormone production, so they have a less pronounced effect on libido.

In some cases, your doctor might want to have your hormone levels tested to better understand how your birth control is affecting your body. This will offer a more tailored approach going forward.

Ultimately, you may decide that the changes to your libido are not worth the peace of mind that comes from hormonal birth control. Barrier methods like condoms, diaphragms, and cervical caps offer birth control without hormones.

There’s also the concept of tracking your cycle through methods such as the rhythm method or basal body temperature monitoring to figure out when you’re most at risk of pregnancy. 

But, if getting off the pill or patch isn’t an option, let’s talk about how to increase libido while on birth control using a few simple lifestyle changes.

Lifestyle Changes for Improved Libido

We mentioned earlier that sleep, diet, exercise, and stress management all play a role in how strong your libido is. In saying that, you have a number of levers you can pull to boost libido naturally.

For example, eating foods rich in essential fatty acids (like salmon, walnuts, and avocados) can support hormone production. Zinc also plays a role in boosting sexual health and libido, and can be consumed through oysters and lean meats.

What you don’t eat is just as important - stay away from processed foods and excess sugar. These can cause energy crashes that might dampen sexual desire or ability, and let’s be honest - they’re just plain bad for you!

Exercise can stimulate libido as well, so make sure you’re engaging in regular physical activity. Similar to diet, this is just sound advice for overall health. 

Cardio exercise can improve circulation, which enhances blood flow to your sexual organs. On the other hand, strength training can boost testosterone, which is closely tied to libido.

Exercise also releases endorphins that naturally elevate your mood and reduce stress, helping you feel more in the mood.

On top of that, you should make sure you’re getting enough sleep, ideally 7-9 hours a night. Sleep deprivation can cause lower energy levels obviously but also higher stress and a reduction in testosterone production.

Speaking of stress, make sure you have healthy coping mechanisms in place since this can wreak havoc on your hormones and thus your libido. Meditation, yoga, deep-breathing exercises, or journaling can all be great additions to your lifestyle.

Supplements and Natural Remedies

Mother nature has provided an array of remedies that can boost your libido, helping offset the effects of birth control. These include:

  • Maca Root: A Peruvian herb believed to increase sexual stamina and improve energy levels.
  • L-Arginine: An amino acid that supports the production of nitric oxide, which boosts blood flow to the genitals, enhancing sexual arousal and response. 
  • Ginseng: Known for its adaptogenic properties that reduce stress and improve energy levels. It may positively influence hormone levels as well.
  • Fenugreek: This herb contains compounds that help regulate hormones and can help regulate sexual desire in both men and women.
  • Horny Goat Weed (Epimedium): Traditionally used to treat erectile dysfunction, but it can elevate libido in women as well through increased blood flow to the genitals.

But, what is the most powerful aphrodisiac to help boost libido? You can’t beat Tabs, the best aphrodisiac chocolate on the market. We know what you’re thinking…is sex chocolate real? Does Tabs chocolate work?

Yes, and yes. It’s helped more than 200,000 happy customers and counting spice things up in the bedroom and it can do the same for you, even if you feel like birth control is holding you back. 

The sex chocolate ingredients include dark chocolate, kanna, horny goat weed, and maca root. These work in synergy to lower your inhibitions while priming your body for better sex. 

There are no Tabs chocolate side effects to be worried about, either. Experience the dark chocolate benefits sexually yourself today at Tabs and see what keeps our customers coming back for more!

Explore Psychological Factors

It’s true that hormonal birth control may contribute to a lower libido, but you shouldn’t ignore the other factors at play either - like stress, anxiety, and relationship issues. Even if these aren’t the root cause of the problem, they can certainly amplify it.

If you’re struggling with depression, anxiety, or some other mental health disorder, make sure you address the issue through therapy. It won’t resolve itself, and these conditions can spiral to affect other areas of your life beyond libido.

Or, maybe it’s self-image issues holding you back from lowering your guard for sex. If so, work on self-acceptance and build confidence to alleviate some of these pressures. 

Perhaps most commonly, though, feeling emotionally disconnected from your partner can also contribute to a lack of sexual desire. So, what are intimacy-related issues, and what can you do to turn things around? Let’s discuss the importance of physical intimacy in a relationship below.

Enhance Physical Intimacy with Your Partner

Now, what is physical intimacy and what sort of role does it have in helping you boost libido while on birth control? It’s important to note that there are technically two types of intimacy - emotional vs physical intimacy. Each matters and you really can’t have one without the other.

The effects of lack of physical intimacy in a relationship can be detrimental, oftentimes leading to breakups or infidelity. That’s why it’s so important that you talk to your partner about lack of intimacy before it’s too late.

We have guides on how to increase physical intimacy in a relationship and how to bring back intimacy in a marriage. But really, it’s simple. Make a concerted effort to reconnect with your partner emotionally, then physically, and the rest will take care of itself.

Intimacy doesn’t always have to start with sex. Focus on building up non-sexual forms of physical affection - such as kissing, cuddling, and hand-holding - to reignite the physical connection.

Go out of your way to create moments of intimacy and connection outside the bedroom by scheduling regular date nights or sitting down with your partner in a place free from distractions to check in and communicate openly. This can rekindle that romantic flame and set the stage for a night of magic back at home.

When in doubt, try Tabs. Our sex chocolate has brought more couples together than we can count. We’re confident it will reignite that spark that seems to have gone missing for you!

Final Thoughts on How to Increase Libido on Birth Control

We know all too well how frustrating low libido can be, especially when it’s the result of your birth control. Fortunately, these tips on how to increase libido while on birth control can help you restore your sex drive and get back to living your life to the fullest.

While we’ve shared plenty of great advice on how to increase libido on birth control, none work quite as quickly and easily as Tabs. Learn more about our sex chocolate in our blog: 

Or, experience the effects firsthand by ordering Tabs chocolate today. After seeing what a difference it can make in your love life, you’ll wish you’d found it sooner!